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Who are the Players in Commercial Furniture Buying?

Katelyn Riffel

If you’ve reached the point in a project schedule when you need to think about commercial furniture, but you want more information on the process and who all is involved, look no further. Here’s the basic structure.

Manufacturer: The one making the product. Manufacturers develop product concepts, handle the process of certification by appropriate testing agencies, and make the actual product in their factories. Manufacturers are the ones that receive a purchase order from a furniture dealer and return an Acknowledgement that lists all the pieces they will produce, the finishes and prices of each, delivery date and location. Manufacturers also hold the warranties for products and are the de facto source of information for what their products can do and under what circumstances they perform best.

Manufacturer’s Representative: An individual employed by a specific manufacturer to support and promote their furniture or product line. Manufacturer’s Reps are the local experts for the product lines that their manufacturer carries. They often inform dealers and clients of new products and product features, work with dealers regarding pricing and product delivery, and help with any warranty or quality control concerns.  An Open Line Rep, in contrast to a Manufacturer’s Rep, carries more than one manufacturer’s product lines. Representatives are the bridge between the manufacturer and the client/furniture dealer.

Furniture Dealer: The person or group that can directly sell furniture to a potential buyer.  A furniture dealership typically has a local showroom or samples to view and experience a selection of pieces. They carry a resale license so they produce a quote that the client agrees to and from there will develop a purchase order to order goods from the manufacturer.  Some furniture dealerships will provide layout services for their products, and they may also provide services related to the receipt, delivery, and installation of their goods. Furniture dealers are often the primary contact with the end user.

In short: Manufacturers make products, representatives are educated on those products and distribute that information to local furniture dealers, and furniture dealers suggest and sell these products to the end user. Every project is a little different so the flow of this process may vary.

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